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Why give away the campaign?

One of our three goals with the Advance Campaign is to tithe, or give 10%, of the receipts to an international mission initative in Nairobi, Kenya.

Usually when I tell people this, I get very confused looks. "You're going to give away 10% of the campagin?" "But the campaign itself is 'extra', why are we giving that away?"

I know it's strange. But let's think about it in another way. Let's say you tithe to the church 10% of your gross wages. And say you were to get a small weekend gig and made $500 extra on top of your normal income. You used 100% of the skills and talents God gave to you that you use on a normal basis in your day job. Would it not make sense for you to add 10% (or $50) to your regular tithe?

A second reason why we want to "give away the campaign" is to put our money where our mouth is. We as your church leaders consistenly teach godly stewardship and sacrificial giving. This is a chance for us to practice what we preach.

And finally, we don't want this project to be about us. However its very difficult to convice people that it's not about us when we spend $200,000+ on ourselves. Therefore, this tithe is a humble reminder of all that God allows us to keep for ourselves as we steward His money.

Onward for the Kingdom ->

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